Remediation Strategy:
Partington, Greater Manchester

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This 12.9ha brownfield site was an ideal location for a new £100m residential development, which would help Trafford’s housing crisis by creating 600 private and affordable homes.

However, its former use as a gasworks and LNG storage facility had left behind complex ground issues. These included concrete bases and blast wall foundations, alongside hydrocarbon-contaminated soils, saturated peat and PFA.


We engaged early with the Environment Agency to ensure regulatory sign off. The site had a long industrial history, but the EA was confident we had identified all issues and had the expertise to deal with them.

Using our in-house equipment, we treated hydrocarbon-impacted soils, and stabilised peat and PFA within the road box. This was completed under our own Environmental Permit.

As part of a full made-ground turnover, more than 50,000m3 of concrete was broken out and processed for re-use within the final development.


  • 99% of material re-used onsite
  • Achieved regulatory signoffs through early involvement
  • Safe and cost-effective targeting of remediation areas through 3DMC
  • Minimal import of aggregate

Project fact file

Remediation of soil and earthworks Client Image | McAuliffe Group
Client A JV between Vistry Partnerships and Trafford Housing Group
Site Area 12.9ha
Time Frame 78 weeks
Location Partington, Greater Manchester
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Achieving regulatory approvals

Because of the site’s complex contamination set, we had to work closely with the EA and the client’s consultant to achieve signoff.

Legacy remediation works had been carried out on site, but these weren’t well documented. There was little information on legacy contamination.

Despite this, we managed to create a detailed methodology that met the regulator’s requirements.

Using our in-house 3DMC technology, we achieved efficient re-use of soils under an MMP. This included pinpointing specific areas of concern to comply with the foundation solution and geotechnical specification.

McAuliffe are safe, high-quality, and provide an excellent team of highly skilled people. They get involved early and collaboratively, using their technology to assess land and provide clear early advice on risk, which helps us provide competitive land bids and gives us assurance when entering contracts.

The team is always open to collaboration throughout the relationship. A partnership in the truest sense.

James Warrington, divisional managing director, Vistry Partnerships Central & Northern Regions

Contact us to discuss your project

Speak to our team for more information on our end-to-end brownfield remediation and enabling works services.