Fissara allows our logistics team to track our in-house wagons in real-time, managing haul routes via. the fissara MOVE Mobile App. This means hold-ups can be prevented before they arise, and drivers get live updates on their next job, boosting productivity.
By ensuring drivers can’t begin their day without making daily vehicle checks, fissara is also improving health and safety practices, and avoiding vehicle breakdowns.
John McAuliffe, Group Managing Director at McAuliffe Group, said:
“As well as increasing efficiency by reducing paper ticketing by around 95%, fissara MOVE allows us to report accurate costs to clients exactly when they need them.
“The software also helps assure compliance with materials management legislation, by creating a detailed online record of materials movements and locations.
“This complete audit system can be quickly accessed by clients, preventing delays associated with paper tickets.”
To find out more about how we’re using fissara MOVE to improve our logistics processes, watch this video case study: